INDIGO-DISCUS: Developing a short version of the Discrimination and Stigma Scale (Lead: Dr. Sara Evans-Lacko)
Aims: To develop a shortened version of the original 22-item Discrimination and Stigma Scale (DISC) using robust scale reduction methods and to test the shortened version of the scale for use in low and middle-income countries. This new scale is needed to allow services to monitor changes in stigma, for example in monitoring anti-stigma programmes.
Methods: A subset of items from the original DISC scale will be selected which optimise validity and reliability of the scale. Item reduction will be based on analysis of existing DISC data. The revised scale will then be tested across participating INDIGO sites.
Number of participants: We aim to collect data using the shortened DISC measure from at least 25 participants per site. We will then pool participant data across INDIGO sites in order to achieve a sufficient total sample size of at least 300 participants.
Timescale: To be delivered at participating sites over the lifetime of the project until the desired sample size is achieved- duration expected to be about one year.