INDIGO-Primary: PRogramme to IMplement interventions addressing knowledge, Attitudes and behaviour of primaRY care providers towards people with mental illnessĀ (Leads: Dr Mirja Koschorke and Dr Brandon Kohrt)

Aims: To develop, implement and evaluate interventions to improve knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of primary care staff towards people with mental illness in primary care settings. By reducing supply-side barriers for the appropriate delivery and utilization of mental health care in primary care settings, these interventions seek to contribute to reducing the treatment gap for mental disorders.
Methods: Methods will comprise:
(i) a review of the existing evidence on effective interventions to achieve health care provider behaviour change, with a focus on what is effective in LAMIC,
(ii) situational analyses to understand the current clinical processes at PHC centres in the participating sites, as well as potential barriers to optimal clinical practices
(iii) the development of a theoretical framework to guide the interventions
(iv) the development and rapid-cycle feasibility testing of interventions and procedures for adapting these to suit different contexts
(v) finalisation and manualisation of provider and health systems level change interventions
(vi) if resources permit, development of a pilot version of (a section of) the intervention manual for PHC staff in App form and
(vii) Initial feasibility study (proof of concept) to assess key components of presumed mechanisms of action.
Number of participants: As interventions will be adapted to suit local requirements in the sites, the number of participants will vary accordingly.
Anticipated timescale: A minimum of 2 years, depending on the scope of the interventions planned.