INDIGO-Read. Responding to Experienced and Anticipated Discrimination (Lead: Dr. Claire Henderson)
Aims: To examine the effectiveness of training for medical students on Responding to Experienced and Anticipated Discrimination (READ) on increasing their: stigma related knowledge; improving attitudes to mental illness and psychiatry; and avoiding behaviours which is or can be experienced as discriminatory by service users and carers
Methods: The READ teaching intervention developed by Claire Henderson will be delivered to medical students doing their psychiatry placement. The first session of 1.5 hours is delivered near the start of the psychiatry placement; the second, also of 1.5 hours, is delivered several weeks later before the end of the placement. Both sessions include live contact with a person with lived experience of mental illness and the first session also includes a video clip of a service user. The first session includes a slide presentation and 2 role plays, one of each of experienced and anticipated discrimination. The second includes: discussion of any experienced or anticipated discrimination students have observed during their time meeting with patients; role play of discussing a diagnosis of psychosis with a service user and family member; and discussion of how to support colleagues with mental health problems and how to consider one’s own mental health.
Outcome measures:
- Knowledge: MAKS
- Attitudes: MICA
- Behaviour: OSCE (observed structured clinical examination) of discussing the diagnosis of psychosis with a service user and family member.
Number of participants: To be delivered to group of students of up to 12
Anticipated timescale: one academic year, to include the structured clinical assessment exercise in the final year examination

The aim of the following videos is to cover the impact of diagnosis, self stigma and problems with disclosure, and to help the students to reflect on this:
Walk in our Shoes (opens in new tab)
For any Spanish speaking sites we have here a link to a similar video in Spanish:
The next video is an example of a service user speaking about their story of illness and recovery, and could be used as a guide for the Expert by experience to use in the READ training intervention.